Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Links for the day (aka. Other people's stuff)

A couple of posts of other people that resonate well with me:

I think this one hits the nail on the head about multi-tasking and information overload. Also explains why the days that I manage to ignore Google reader and Thunderbird for extended periods of time are my most productive, even though the actual total time spent doing either isn't any less. I probably would see great productivity gains if I managed to restrict how often I look at either of those. I've noticed this summer just how hard it is to get back in a groove on something once you've gotten out, both taking 5 minutes away from intensive coding or taking a multi-day (week?) break from a certain topic. Our brains are like computers in a way, there's only so much you can keep readily accessible.


There's not much more I can add here, python just rocks. :) I can't believe there was once upon a time that I did analysis and even generated images using only C (and maybe *shudder* Excel).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you liked my post. Thanks for the link. -- John